We believe these truths to be self evident – cultural diversity makes us strong, celebrating our heritage keeps the past alive for future generations and when the Greeks are cooking, just show up. Amen. Cultural Diversity Alive and Well in…

We believe these truths to be self evident – cultural diversity makes us strong, celebrating our heritage keeps the past alive for future generations and when the Greeks are cooking, just show up. Amen. Cultural Diversity Alive and Well in…
She often started her day on the front porch. A small manual typewriter awaited her words. But I like to imagine Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings ignored the typewriter at first. I picture her comfortable in her chair at the big round…
The Liberty Bell Museum is pointed out by a small arrow on a city map. Hummm, I thought the Liberty Bell was in Philadelphia and I am in Melbourne, Florida. What’s up? Curiosity got the better of me. I’m glad…
Florida lighthouses have great views but it takes effort to get to the view. I earned this T-shirt pictured above the old-fashioned way – by actually doing what it says – climbing 203 stairs to the top of Ponce de…
Harvey Campbell had a plan for Lake City murals. “I want to take our Lake City officials down to Lake Placid so they can see the murals. ” He hoped to excite his local power makers into splashing color on…