by Lucy Tobias, copyright©2020 Sculptures and Gardens – an unusual combination. I inhaled deeply and got ready to ask this question: “What do you want garden visitors to take away with them?” My pen was poised and my reporter…
Go Fly a Kite
Go fly a kite. Well, why not? When my boys were in grade school in Gainesville, Florida they became infected with a bout of kite fever. As a result we constructed diamond-shaped kites using the color Sunday comics from the…

Visit Peace River Botanical & Sculpture Gardens
Welcome to Peace River Botanical & Sculpture Gardens, a 27-acre site located on both sides of Riverside Drive in Punta Gorda, Florida. Soaring sculptures and spectacular gardens sit side by side in splendid accord. As soon as you park and…

Wading trip – Get Wet and Wild in Punta Gorda
What’ in a wading trip? Get wet, get happy, learn new things. Are we fourth graders on a field trip? Heck no. We are adults at the annual Florida Outdoor Writers Association Conference held last week in Punta Gorda –…