The St. Pete Pier is all new and absolutely amazing. Twenty-six acres in downtown St. Petersburg, Florida, called the Pier District, transformed seamlessly into A park experience, A playground experience, A garden experience, A dining experience, A beach experience, A…
Appreciate Art at the Appleton & More Museums
Been a while since you visited the Appleton Museum of Art in Ocala? Pencil in a visit soon. Things have changed. There is a hushed reverence in the exhibit rooms. Walls are painted with themed colors and room displays unfold gracefully.

Walk or Paddle into Florida Mangroves
Mangroves. It is the Wild West out there in the roots. The blue crab raised both claws up in the air ready for a fight with me. I stood back at a respectful distance and zoomed in with my Nikon…

Flamingos Come Home to Roost
Flamingos are flamboyant, funky and famous. Who knew they are now considered Florida natives? Hunters and poachers did in the population in the 19th century. From then on, captive flocks, a tourist attraction around the state, settled in as THE…

Sunken Gardens Grows Lush and Exotic
Two words perfectly describe Sunken Gardens in St. Petersburg – lush and exotic. What, you say, is it still there? Oh yes, Sunken Gardens, an old Florida family roadside attraction, is still alive and thriving right in the middle of…