Wahoo! I was just there – Gulf Islands National Seashore in Pensacola – a long ribbon of bright white sandy beach so alluring it had to be singing a siren song: “Come, sift the sand between your toes. Stay here.…

Wahoo! I was just there – Gulf Islands National Seashore in Pensacola – a long ribbon of bright white sandy beach so alluring it had to be singing a siren song: “Come, sift the sand between your toes. Stay here.…
Manatees were here before mastodons stomped down Florida grasses. Before Indians inhabited prime seaside real estate. Even before Ponce de Leon got himself killed wandering around Florida looking for the Fountain of Youth. Manatees pre-date Disney and interstates Yes, way…
Can you roll your R’s and say these words – Rescue – Repair – Rehabilitation – Release? Say them with me now. Congratulations, you’ve just described the amazing world of bird rescue. And, you can go see this world in…